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Location: Mumbai, India

April 22, 2008

A test, is it?

Why do I feel how I feel about you? Why this anger and unrest within me?
Why am I on the verge of turning over, into a person I never thought I would be?

Why are you putting me to the test? What do you want me to do?
Please be aware that it's not doing me any good. Or does that not matter to you?

I feel so rotten deep within me. There's a horrible feeling surging from within.
It's a feeling that I've never ever felt before. Haah! Now you sure know each and everythin'.

I don't even know what I want to say to you. But I am deeply hurt, you should probably know.
And in case, you ever realize what I feel, then do something in your power to change the way of the flow!

And if you think, you are going to just stay and not pay heed to my plea...
Then, soon the sheep will have moved into the dense darkness, far far away from the shepherd's watch and keep!


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